Serving Apostolic Oversight for God's
Chosen Ministries, Churches, and Leaders

Dr. Sherman L. Arrington, Ph.D., D. Min
Apostle Primus
Meet our Founder
In August of 1993, the Lord God commissioned Dr. Sherman L. Arrington “to go forth teaching, preaching, proclaiming, admonishing everyone, edifying the Body of Christ in the unity of the Faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, instructing everyone in all wisdom (in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God) that men, women, boys, and girls may be presented full initiated, complete unto a mature
Believer in Christ, that each measure up unto the stature of the fulness of Christ. The Spirit of the Lord said, I shall cause you to be strong, and I shall cause you by the power of My Word and Spirit to deliver people out of the snare of the enemy and the false religious doctrines. I shall anoint you with the wisdom of Solomon and the revelatory understanding of Paul.”
It has therefore been Dr. Arrington’s mission to empower every man, woman, boy, and girl with the spiritual knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, and the ways of the Holy Spirit so that they are enabled to apply the truth of God’s Word in a practical everyday manner, while drawing closer in relationship with God and Glorifying His Name.
Dr. Arrington has organized more than 70 churches, not-for-profit organizations, and for-profit businesses across America. He is the President of Global Vision Ministries, DesPlaines, Illinois, which planted 17 churches within Southern India. He is the Founder/Apostolic Overseer of God’s Chosen Collaborative of Ministries, Maturing the Believers in Christ (MTBIC) Academy, Merrillville, Indiana, and MTBIC Professional Business Services. He is also an Adjunct Professor – Richard Daniel Hinton University, Chicago, Illinois, and the Provost of Hope Bible Institute & Seminary, South Bend, Indiana, and Provost of Elijah University Ministries, Hammond, Indiana. He is a founding Board member of Ignite University, Hammond, Indiana. Dr.n Arrington serves as an advisor to several Not-for-Profit Organizations’ Board of Directors.
Dr. Arrington instructs weekly classes covering various biblical topics designed to mature believers in Christ. He has an earned degree in Accounting, an earned Master’s degree in Education, an earned Doctoral degree in Christian Education, and an earned Doctoral degree in Ministry, with emphasis in Church Finance and Administration, which he authored the Bible Institute’s curriculum.
He is married to Prophetess Dr. Kimberly Nelson-Arrington, who works alongside him in ministry. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Dr. of Psychology, and CEO of Nephesh Wellness LLC.